One with Nature

Skye.. It is absolutely possible to pickup 'One with Nature' in addition to 'Mountain Men' and 'Isolationist'.

After playing along with your series I was excited to push on. When I hit 300 for Isolationist I was burning food fast, so I removed 3 dozen houses or so. Turns out the homeless don't freeze to death as I had hoped but continue to eat your food for years and years. I ended up falling back to about 70 population due to massive starvation. Fortunately the infrastructure was all still in place.

Once the town was back under control, I use a second quarry to build three trade ports and converted your herbalism node to a true firewood node. Then I stockpiled 90K of food and built stone house foundations (labor only, no builders) everywhere I could without impacting my nodes too seriously. Having the foundations complete meant I wasn't going to be waiting on stone & iron from my ports to add houses. The run up to 400 was fairly painless from there (except for one massive fire the dropped me below 100 population again).

As you can see below I used 40K of my 90K stockpile in the climb from 200 to 400, but had plenty of cushion. After getting 'One with Nature' (screenshot) I dropped it back down and found I could run steady state with this setup up to about 250 population.

Thanks for the great Let's Play series!
